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ArchiCAD 14 x32 & x64 (for win)

27 июл 2010, 08:01
5 307
ArchiCAD 14 x32 & x64 (for win)
ArchiCAD 14 is widely known among architects and designers the graphic software package CAD created by firm Graphisoft. ArchiCAD 14 it is intended as for designing of architecturally-building designs and decisions, and elements of a landscape, furniture, etc.

At work in graphic software package ArchiCAD 14 the principle of designing of a virtual building is used. The main sense of the program consists that design - the project of program ArchiCAD 14 represents executed full-scale 3D model of a building or a premise which remains in memory of the computer. For correct performance of a problem the designer from start of work with the project upon "builds" a building virtually, using thus tools of designing necessary for it which have the analogues in a reality: walls of a building, its overlapping, a window, a ladder, various objects etc. Definitively having designed «a virtual building», the designer has an opportunity to receive the various additional information on object of designing in the form of kinds and cuts in any chosen place: поэтажные building plans, its facades, cuts of premises, explications, specifications on used materials, presentation materials and another. Compatibility with others engineering Systems of the automated designing is provided through format IFC.

The additional information:
The key for ArchiCAD 14 x32 (x86) is in archive. It is checked up on working capacity
The key for ArchiCAD 14 x64 can be downloaded under the reference

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